Saturday, June 03, 2006

I've FINALLY figured it out!

Working on the ezine and several html issues here, I have to say...I've learned some things.
Doing things on your own isn't always the best idea. But, once you play around, you definitely know more about what you're doing than you did before.

Within the next few days I'll have a few surprises for you! Another page or two, and maybe a perk or two. Those are coming after the e-zine is sent out...which should be the 10th! And everyone can celebrate its bright beginnings. More on that later though...don't want to give away too many surprises.

Remember, to sign up for the Wellness Connection ezine, send me an email at with Subscribe in the subject line. And if you have any comments or questions, or suggestions for articles, etc., feel free to let me know. (That offer may not always be an option, but we'll see on that, too!) :)

Be well and blessed, and look for the new page of Wellness Associates!

Kim Paluch