Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Who are Your Partners In Wellness?

Hi again!

Since this site isn't just me, I thought I'd take a moment to mention a few of the people who are my own partners in wellness. With some desire and effort on your part, they could be yours as well! Most of us here won't leave direct contact here on the blog, but will definitely leave email where they can be reached and probably give you their number if they know you really need the support or are truly interested in being an active member of FourPoint Group. Feel free to contact us to chat, for insight, or even to share a great product story! We'd love to post it for everyone to read!

Gayle Long (put your email here)

First there's Gayle. She's from Tennessee, sounds like the perfect southern Lady, and is one of the most capable women I know. It was Gayle who introduced my partner and I to the wonders of FourPoint Group and all of the support they could offer to anyone interested in financial wellness. She was a patient teacher, sharing with me everything I needed to learn and letting me explore other areas in my rush to make my own millions, my own place on the internet that could change not only my family's life, but the lives of so many other families! I'm sure she'll introduce herself as soon as she can. (feel free to introduce yourself, Gayle!)

Kim Paluch

I write this blog, have been a part of the FourPoint Group for less than a year, and have tried to learn faster than my fingers can type. Thankfully I've had a great group of people on our Team to help support me, to answer my questions, and to tell me who to call when I need help. And one of the first things I'd learned was to create my own support team. A list of people I can call when I need advice, have questions, or just plain need to talk. A lot of my list will be here and available to you as well.

Rhonda Belongia (put your email here)

Feel free to introduce yourself, Rhonda!

Terra Young (email here when you get online)

Feel free to introduce yourself here.

Everyone is pretty new here, so I hope everyone is willing to be patient while I figure out how to manage this blog to the best of my ability while I juggle school and working and the three "T"s (Two teens and a toddler).

I wish you all the best luck!

Kim Paluch

You must be the change you want to see in the world.
Mahatma Gandhi

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