Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Summer's echoes

By this time of year most parents are eagerly awaiting what their children are dreading...another school term. I have to admit, I like that my son will be getting his social time at Head Start. But this year it will be me and our two teenagers.

And I'm actually looking forward to it! I rarely have time to myself, or time alone with them. I enjoy being here and offering them experiences and information they couldn't get anywhere else.

We've formed a connection to an internet school where the teens can amass their credits and learn from someone new in a way that's interesting and exciting. At the same time, we'll be working on Arts, Culture, and Health/Fitness, along with other subjects we can enjoy. More life-friendly learning options, I suppose.

Not everyong shares my enthusiasm for teenagers, but even if you're counting the days until school starts, take some time to spend with the kids; time that is pointless, fun, and memorable. These days don't last. It seems I've just blinked and our kids are adults now. And we didn't spend nearly enough fun-time together.

When summer ends, I hope some part of every parent will hate to see that time with their children end for the year. (Homeschoolers and NoSchoolers may not encounter this.) If you haven't taken the time to spend an evening or afternoon with your child alone, make time now. When they're living their life, it will be nice to have shared memories, and maybe even discover you've created a family tradition (family game night is going to start here soon).


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